Internet Finds "Scumbag" IHOP Customer Who Berated Waitress

Aug. 24 2020, Updated 8:31 a.m. ET We've all our fair share of bad days where we've had to let out some steam. But hopefully we were either taught or learned early on that taking those feelings of frustration, insecurity, anger, depression, or whatever the heck it is we're dealing with out on something or

IHOP Customer Who Bullied Waitress Now Begging Internet to Spare His Business


Aug. 24 2020, Updated 8:31 a.m. ET

Source: Twitter

We've all our fair share of bad days where we've had to let out some steam. But hopefully we were either taught or learned early on that taking those feelings of frustration, insecurity, anger, depression, or whatever the heck it is we're dealing with out on something or someone in a constructive manner and not just picking an unsuspecting victim or a loved one who you've turned into a verbal punching bag.

It's been said that if you want to know the judge of someone's character, all you need to do is see how they treat the wait staff at a restaurant and honestly, I think that's probably one of the truest statements ever uttered by a member of our species.

But maybe Adam Huerta didn't get the memo early on in life, because the way he treated an IHOP waitress while out dining with his family is getting a lot of folks angry on the internet.

In the video clip uploaded by a fellow diner who happened to be in the eating establishment at the same time as Adam, viewers can see the man screaming at the young woman and repeatedly calling her "b***h" and using a litany of profane words and phrases. What's worse is that he's in front of his young children, and many commenters online feared his kids would grow up to emulate his behavior.

Source: YouTube

A woman who is presumably his partner, Veronica, sat across the table from him and asked for a box to pack up their food so they could leave with their meals and extricate themselves from the uncomfortable situation. In the video, he seems to turn his ire on the woman who appears to be his wife saying, "You could shut your f*****g mouth too."

Man in Arizona verbally abuses IHOP employees in front of his family

— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) August 21, 2020

The incident occurred at a Tucson, Ariz. IHOP and was picked up by a local TMZ affiliate. It didn't take long for the internet to track down who the man in the video was and discover the finer details about his life: that he was not only married with children and shared a Facebook page with his wife (hence his full name, Adam Veronica Huerta) but that he was a small business owner who operates Viking Car Wash in Tucson.

Webizens flooded to the business' social media pages to decry Adam's actions and spam it with one-star reviews. It wasn't until after his tirade went viral that Adam decided to issue an apology online.

However, many people called the video a "rambling" mess and didn't believe that his "sorry" was sincere.

This happened in Tucson, AZ and his name is Adam Huerta, the owner of Viking Car Wash.

— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) August 21, 2020

P.S. Adam Huerta inherited Viking Car Wash from his dad, which explains why he's a spoiled entitled asshole to service workers.

— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) August 21, 2020

Adam also alleges that there were several other instances that occurred leading up to the video that were unbeknownst to his critics, like the fact that his family was served "raw" meat and that the waitress spoke rudely to his son.

The "rudeness" boiled down to how Adam didn't appreciate the way in which she asked the young man to wear a mask.

But what happened for him to go off like this? I know he’s way out of line, and nothing can justify this horrendous behaviour but what is it they said to his son that triggered him so badly? I’m just curious.

— Pikasuniverse (@pikasuniverse) August 21, 2020

They do nit pay these workers enough for the abuse they take from idiots like this. Imagine how he is at home with his wife. He is really showing his kids how u treat a lady. What has happened to this country? Never have I seen such disrespect for our fellow man. God helpus

— Maggie_Thomas (@staysafe1224) August 21, 2020

Adam says that the combination of events is what ultimately led him to tee off on the IHOP's staff the way he did. In his apology he does concede he was acting like an "a**hole" and is urging people to not judge him based on the video footage alone, "I am definitely not the person this video is making me out to be. This video definitely doesn't show the whole story for the people that are watching...[the waitress] literally gave [me] raw meat."

Parents that cuss in front of their kids are a problem. Those kids did not flinch because they are used to it. If I did this my kid would have reacted in visible shock, immediately.

— Toni 🦋♥️ (@tonipayne) August 21, 2020

This pandemic is bringing out the worst in a LOT of is a sorry person that berates & belittles service workers.

— Alejandro Villegas (@thecorpmex) August 21, 2020

For the most part, it doesn't seem like Twitter is really buying his apology, and the majority of comments are highlighting how problematic his behavior is, especially in front of his children.

While many are conflating this incident with other "anti-mask wearing" behavior in similar incidents that saw consumer freakouts in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, others think that this instance is unique.

It seems like he is a real monster with temper issues. See what his ex employee is saying——->

— TheSituation (@situation_SA) August 21, 2020

No doubt this man abuses his wife at home. NO DOUBT. He's way too comfortable being verbally abusive and the wife & kids don't looked surprised. #DomesticViolence #Abusers

— Kelly (@kellyfairchild2) August 21, 2020

Many are pointing to Adam's repeated usage of insults against women and how he transitioned his rage from the female wait-staff to his own wife as indicative of a greater problem. The fact that his two children, who appear to be male in the video are learning from his behavior, is concerning a lot of folks on social media.

There seems to be a pattern with the people throwing a fit over masks- they always want to be without one- and when asked to wear one they claim the person asking "didn't ask right" or had a bad "tone" etc as justification for their rage rants. Ffs

— 🌜𝒫𝓁𝒶𝑔𝓊𝑒𝒹 𝒮𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓁🌛🕯🕯🕯 (@witchylunar_tic) August 21, 2020

With the silent wife which makes me even more concerned about their home life.

— Awakened by the Sleep (@awakebysleep) August 21, 2020

Do you think that Adam's behavior is a case of "toxic masculinity" occurring before our very eyes, and that his children are doomed to perpetuate the same despicable cycle of abuse? Or was his outburst understandable?

