Leslie Van Houten and John Waters Friendship, Explained

Former Manson girl Leslie Van Houten and filmmaker John Waters have been friends for years. If you know anything about him, it makes total sense. What is family? The meaning of that word has shifted and slid around like oil in a frying pan. Is family a feeling you have, or is it the people

Former Manson lady Leslie Van Houten and filmmaker John Waters were buddies for years. If you understand the rest about him, it makes general sense.

Jennifer Tisdale - Author

What is family? The meaning of that phrase has shifted and slid around like oil in a frying pan. Is family a sense you will have, or is it the folks legally obligated to handle you although that is rarely the case each and every time. You are born into them and every now and then taken out of them, and when you find yourself old enough you can make a selection them. Sometimes you're indoctrinated into them, like former Manson lady Leslie Van Houten.

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On Aug. 9, 1969, Van Houten in conjunction with other individuals of the Manson family, broke into the Los Angeles home of Rosemary and Leno LaBianca. In a drug-fueled haze, the 19-year-old aided in stabbing Rosemary to demise. She would sooner or later be convicted of first stage murder and sentenced to existence in prison with a possibility of parole. In July 2023, Van Houten was once in spite of everything launched. During her time in prison, filmmaker John Waters changed into her pal. Here's what we know about the friendship between Leslie Van Houten and John Waters.

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What did Leslie Van Houten do? John Waters used to be obsessed along with her story.

Like the general public alive in the late Nineteen Sixties, Waters was obsessed with the Manson trial and the Manson ladies specifically. In his ebook Role Models, the "filth" director spoke of how much of his paintings was once impressed by way of this time. "Heavily influenced, and actually jealous of their notoriety, I went back to Baltimore and made Pink Flamingos which I wrote, directed and dedicated to the 'Manson girls,' 'Sadie, Katie, and Les,'" he said.

Later, Waters would befriend Charles "Tex" Watson, whose drug-addled mind never absolutely recovered. Watson was once present and liable for both the Tate and LaBianca murders. "I would hitchhike to the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo from either Los Angeles or San Francisco to visit him and I wrote about our times, rather inappropriately and with little insight, in my book Shock Value," Waters admitted.

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In 1985, a decade after Waters saw Watson for the closing time, Rolling Stone requested him if he would interview Manson. Instead, Waters begged the hole to let him speak with Van Houten. To him, she "always seemed the one that could have somehow ended up making movies with us instead of running with the killer dune-buggy crowd." When approval used to be given, Waters wrote a letter to the previous Manson girl who had at that point been in prison for just about 15 years.

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A slow however steady friendship started between Van Houten and Waters.

When Van Houten answered to Waters, she instructed him that he would must be affected person. She was in "no hurry" to make new buddies. He began writing about his films and his "frustration in trying to get the sequel to Pink Flamingos made." He said, "She wrote me back about, what else? Prison. Living in a cell 'the size of an average bathroom with another person.'" Soon, Van Houten mentioned she would "enjoy meeting" Waters who instantly got on a aircraft to California.

"On our first visit, Leslie, who looked then, and still does, very much like actress Hilary Swank, explained that she had no interest in being in Rolling Stone because of what she had done," wrote Waters in Role Models. "She was ashamed of it, not proud, and hoped that one day the terrible notoriety would fade." That of course never took place, and best grew as new generations found out the Manson crimes and the genre of true crime took on new existence in the form of documentaries and podcasts.

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Van Houten and Waters have been both similarly inspired through one every other.

As Waters persisted to visit Van Houten, their friendship deepened which allowed him to witness her recovery. "I feel good about you because I do not believe you would harm me," she wrote in a letter two years after they first met. "You make me feel good about myself ... I need that ... not to feel like a freak. I'd like to propose that this year we become closer friends. You inspire me to do something with myself."

In flip, Van Houten's influence on Waters was equally as galvanizing. She inspired him to "believe that if you wait long enough and work hard enough on your damaged psyche you can eventually come out of it with some kind of self-respect and mental health." Prison is not designed to assist people. Inmates better themselves regardless of being there, now not because of it. Van Houten is one of those people, and Waters used to be a part of this adventure.

