Wendy's Customer Demands to Be Served Mac and Cheese, Gets the Cops Called on Them

The server was in a standoff with this person for 30 minutes, insisting that they don't serve mac and cheese at Wendy's. "Ma'am, this is a Wendy's," has become a common meme. It's a phrase said when someone makes outrageous demands in the wrong place, where there's no possibility of those demands being met. It

The server was once in a standoff with this person for 30 minutes, insisting that they do not serve mac and cheese at Wendy's.

Source: Getty Images / Reddit

"Ma'am, this is a Wendy's," has turn into a common meme. It's a word said when any individual makes outrageous demands in the flawed position, where there's no risk of those demands being met. It doesn't always have to be a real Wendy's. But in the case of this viral tale, it used to be.

A Reddit user requested fast-food staff to proportion their moments like those, and one user who used to work at Wendy's responded with an extended and crazy tale about the girl who demanded mac and cheese and wouldn't depart till she got it. But the factor is, Wendy's doesn't serve mac and cheese.

Source: iStock Photo

They as soon as had a woman come thru the drive-thru at their Wendy's and order mac and cheese. They write, "I politely informed her we did not have that. She insisted we did. I told her we definitely didn't. She got angry and yelled that yes we did."

They went again and forth like that for a while till the worker informed her they might been running there for 3 years, and Wendy's has never served mac and cheese. "Yes you f--king do!" she yelled again. "I can see it on the menu board. It's RIGHT there right in front of me on the menu."

They tell her that whatever she's taking a look at on the menu board is not mac and cheese. It just is not! But she may not accept that answer and says she isn't leaving until she gets her mac and cheese. Now, put your self on this woman's footwear for a 2d. You think you're seeing mac and cheese on the menu board. The one who works there may be telling you the eating place hasn't ever served mac and cheese and that no matter you're seeing isn't it.

Why do not you believe them?! How wouldn't it receive advantages them to lie to you about serving mac and cheese?! If that they had it, they'd just give it to you. Clearly, they don't have mac and cheese. But evidently, she used to be no longer in a spot to settle for good judgment. She just truly wanted mac and cheese.

Source: iStock Photo

And who can blame her? It looks scrumptious. Anyway, at this point, the woman has been holding up the drive-thru line for 10 mins. The manager comes over, however the woman refuses to accept that they don't serve mac and cheese (even supposing she's now heard it from two staff) and would possibly not move until she gets her mac and cheese.

Half an hour of this nonsense is going by. Eventually, the manager tells her that if she doesn't leave, he is going to call the cops. She screams that she can't understand why they are doing this "when she can CLEARLY see" the mac and cheese on the menu board. 

OP comes to a decision they've had enough and in fact is going out of doors to talk to the woman. They ask her to point out on the menu the place she's most likely seeing the mac and cheese. They write, "She points confidently and says, 'Right there!" with all the conviction of any person who is really positive they only proved some large dumb fool fallacious and that they are going to be hailed as a hero."

OP continues, "I look where she's pointing. I see it. I sight heavily as somewhat extra of my soul dies." Reader, she was looking at a picture of mandarin orange slices that came with the kids' meal. 

Source: Reddit

I suppose it sort of looks like mac and cheese, if you believe the photo is really discolored and you have really bad eyesight. OP tells her once again that they do not serve mac and cheese, and to leave before the cops get there. 

They wrote, "She appears puzzled, appears to be like at the menu board again, the realization dawns on her, and she drives off with out a phrase. I go back within and scream in the walk-in freezer for 10 minutes."

I understand misinterpreting the image. I even understand attempting to order mac and cheese as soon as even though you do not see the phrases anyplace on the menu. What I do not understand is believing that a number of fast-food staff are lying to you about what they serve simply because they for some reason do not want to come up with mac and cheese?! How exhausting is it to realize you had been fallacious, move on, and order something else? 

Even if on your center of hearts you continue to imagine that they serve mac and cheese, you simply can not hang up a line for that lengthy. Whew. Imagine that girl's embarrassment. Yikes. 

